Our harm reduction workshops cover a wide range of topics and aim to address the consequences of risk-taking behaviours. We don’t condemn or condone, it’s a non-judgemental, research-based, informal and participatory approach to health education in the community.
The topics we cover are:
Each workshop can be tailored to the individual needs of your group and is delivered in a participatory way to ensure that all young people involved take something away from the session.
Our workshops on average last about an hour and a half. However, we are happy to adapt the duration if appropriate.
If one or more of the above topics are of interest to you and your group, continue reading below for more information on the content of individual workshops.
If you already know what workshop you are looking for, click here to find out how to book.
Duration: 90 minutes
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness of the risks and consequences of substance use in Lanarkshire.
Workshop Content:
Drugs you know
Drug categories
Drugs and The Law
Harm reduction information
LANDED staff try to stay as up-to-date as they possibly can on the ever-changing world of drugs, locally, nationally and globally to ensure that this workshop is up-to-date and relevant.
Duration: 90 minutes
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness and challenge existing attitudes towards the use of alcohol in Lanarkshire.
Workshop Content:
How does society view alcohol?
Alcohol harms
How much is too much?
Harm reduction information
Tobacco & vapes
Duration: 90 minutes
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness about tobacco-related harm and signpost young people to local stop smoking services.
Workshop Content:
Why do people smoke/ vape?
Chemicals in Tobacco & Vapes
Cigarette harm
Tobacco & The Law
Second-hand smoke information
How to quit
Local stop smoking services

Duration: 90 minutes
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness of the possible long and short-term effects of using cannabis and provide young people with harm reduction information.
Workshop Content:
What is cannabis?
How is it used?
Cannabis & The Law
Possible long-term effects
Recreational vs problematic use
Addiction & Withdrawal
Harm reduction information
LANDED staff try to stay as up-to-date as possible on everything to do with cannabis to ensure this workshop is relevant and correct.

Sexual Health
Duration: 90 minutes
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness of the risks & consequences of being sexually active.
Workshop Content:
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) awareness – signs and symptoms
HIV awareness – transmission routes
STI mythbusters
Young Persons Sexual Health Services – what to expect
Using condoms effectively
Duration: 90 minutes
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness of the importance of establishing boundaries, respecting each other and communicating in a romantic relationship.
Workshop Content:
Relationship expectations
Acceptable & unacceptable behaviours within relationships
The importance of establishing boundaries
Positive communication within relationships (sexual health & contraception)
Duration: 60 minutes (This workshop can be delivered to a small group, or a full year group assembly as a presentation)
Aim of workshop: To raise awareness of the risks and consequences of sending indecent images for young people aged under 18.
Workshop Content:
What is Sexting?
Which images are acceptable and which are not?
The legalities of sexting for young people aged 18 and under
The impact Sexting can have on a young person’s life
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of this presentation, some of the images contain nudity. If you think
this will be inappropriate for your group, please let us know.
How to book a workshop
Before you book us in, we will need to find out a little bit more about you, your organisation and the young people taking part. This is just so that our staff can prepare appropriately.
The best way to do this is a quick chat on the phone. Click here for our contact details.
We look forward to hearing from you.